Mt. Alberta

Mount Alberta is fifth highest peak in the Winston Churchill Range of the Rocky Mountains

Alberta is my home. I was born and raised in Alberta and I love it here.

With beautiful mountains, rivers, lakes, wildlife, forests and natural wonders, it is a privilege to live here.

Winston Churchill Range

I was looking through an older book, Place Names of Alberta.

A picture of a letter from Winston Churchill caught my interest.

The date of the letter is May 31, 1958.

The 1st thing I did was search for what the remarkable photo would have looked like.

It is remarkable and evident why it was a source of great pleasure for the inspirational leader.

The Legacy of Stevie Ray Vaughan

Listening to the blues can be deeply satisfying. Although I am incredibly keen on heavy metal and hard rock music, the blues are my favorite.  Much of my passion for the blues developed through hearing the music of the great guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughn (SRV).

One day I plan to go to Austin and check out the statue of him while listening to The House is a Rocklin’ on my headphones.


My introduction to SRV was in the early 1980’s through a music video.  When I saw the video for “Cold Shot” I was hooked. The video cracked me up. I loved his guitar playing, the music and his sense of humour. I developed a crush, which is common for a 13-year-old girl, but this one never went away.

Over time, I’ve become familiar with the artists that influenced SRV and have added the music of Jimi Hendrix, BB King, Mussy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Albert Collins and T-Bone Walker to my collections which further enhanced my passion for the blues. SRV could take a magnificent piece like “Little Wing” and enrich it. He was such an amazing artist. Watching him play is something to see and if you watch this video, you can see how intense and enraptured he was while playing.

Although SRV left this realm in August of 1990, his style and passion for playing the guitar lives on. A young boy named Kenny Wayne Shepherd (KWS) met SRV when he was just 7


KWS stated in a 2011 interview that he began playing guitar in earnest about six months after meeting and being “pretty mesmerized” By SRV.

The impetus to write this occurred when the Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band came to Calgary earlier this year. Once we scored tickets for the show, we booked a room at the Deerfoot Casino so we didn’t have to drive and could have a few drinks.


The concert started at 9:00 and we checked in around 6:00. We brought some beer to drink in the room before the concert. After a couple of beer, we went down to the casino, played slot machines and got our wristbands for the Chrome Showroom. We went back to the room about 8:00, finished off the beer. Doug left to have a cigarette and we would meet up in the lobby.  I fixed my hair, left the room and pressed the button for the elevator.

I got in the elevator went and it went up. The door opened and two gentlemen got in, politely I asked “Are you going to the Kenny Wayne Shepherd show?”. They laughed and replied ” Ya, we are in the show.” I laughed and apologized as the elevator went down.

My mind was racing as I realized that I was in the elevator with rock and roll legends. ACK!! I should say something! My poor drunk little mind couldn’t think of a bloody thing. “Well, I look forward to seeing you at the show.” I said and smiled, they replied  “thanks, enjoy the show” and got off the elevator.

With my heart racing, I ran toward Doug. “I was just on the elevator with two guys from the band!” I squealed. We walked down the long hallway with me babbling about how I was two feet away from Stevie Ray Vaughn’s drummer and I was too daft to comprehend it at the time. D’oh. Another celebrity encounter to add to my re-do wish list along with Slash, Johnny Chan, Norman Reedus, Sean Patrick Flanery, Billy Gibbons, Joe Satriani..and so on.

We took our seats, Doug got us another beer and we laughed because the beer came in stubby bottles and I settled down. The show was terrific.  We loved it all. The vocals, drums, bass and Kenny is a spectacular guitar player.

The Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band is in my top 5 bands and climbing higher as I enjoy the music. It is wonderful to experience guitar greatness in person, it makes me very happy and I am hopeful  that I will see them again.

Encounters with Magnificent Guitarists

We all have heroes.

Since childhood I have been awestruck by guitarists and fortunately I have been able to see some of my idols perform live.

I have seen incredible Canadian guitarist such as:

Bryan Adams

Bryan Adams 1

It was the Waking up the World Tour in 1992. Bryan was super famous and the concert was at Canada Olympic Park in Calgary. There were over 35,000 people on the ski hill looking down at the stage. The concert went to the wee hours and was finally concluded by a lightning storm during “Kids wanna rock”. I believe someone was struck by lightning.


Colin James

Colin James 1994

Colin opened for the Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge tour in 1994. I drove to Edmonton to see the concert. It was a great concert. Unfortunately I ended up spending time in a local hospital at 2:00 am after my friend Patricia’s boyfriend got hit over the head with a pool cue.


Over the years I have had the privilege to see:

Gus G

Gus G

Gus was mesmerizing to watch. You have to be the best to play Crazy Train with Ozzy Osborne! That was a fantastic concert – both Gus and Ozzy were so much fun. Near the end of the concert, Ozzy blasted the front rows with a foam gun. Everyone including Ozzy was soaked. Of course it was -30 degrees in Calgary that November and we were covered in Ice when we left the Saddledome.


Keith Richards


Wow, Keith can play and he just keeps going and going. Seeing the Stones was just thrilling and it felt as though they are family. Mick’s voice & Keith’s guitar have been part of my life soundtrack since birth.

Alex Lifeson & Getty Lee


They were just spectacular. Alex & Geddy made it look effortless.

They are the Masters of Rock.

Billy Gibbons


It was surreal when Billy did his Jimi Hendrix tribute and performed “Foxy Lady”

Billy is in the guitarist stratosphere category with Jimi & Stevie Ray!



The dynamic between Dusty & Billy was wondrous. This concert was an MAJOR highlight in my life!

mmbah how how how how. 😉






SLASH. What can you say about Slash. I have been mesmerized by him since Appetite for Destruction came out. One riff and I was hooked.


I did meet Slash and IT WAS AWESOME!.



Joe Satriani

image image

I just love Joe Satriani!

He grins the entire time he is playing. There is someone who loves what he does.

It is a pleasure to listen to him, the amount of serenity and joy his music exudes is mystical.


Eddie Van Halen

EDDIE!!! I became enamored by Eddie about age 11.


2004 and Van Halen with Sammy Hagar came to Calgary.                                             Experiencing the great Eddie Van Halen was a dream come true. His Eruption solo went on for quite while. It was heaven the whole time he played. He pulled his hair in ponytail on his head to play and was utterly amazing.


After the show, there were critics that were a bit harsh on Eddie.

Those fuckers – they were not worthy.

Eddie was magnificent.


Future Performances?

There is much Magnificent guitar playing to experience.

I only have one signed guitar on my wall.

My goal is to be the old lady with a warehouse of priceless guitars. 😉



The bright side

Life. Everyone is living it.

We learn how to live our life by watching.
Our parents or caregivers of our youth form our first impressions.

People learn from those that influence in our lives.
There is a logical rationale that children learn the trade skills of their parents.
Life skills are taught from birth, so tailors beget tailors, farmers pass on their skills and land to kids and so forth.
We teach what we know.
Unfortunately we teach the less desirable skills as well. Manipulation, Alcoholism, Dependency and such.

There is a proverb that nails the teaching message;
The author of this phrase was not cited; as ownership of this message is credited as a Chinese proverb, Benjamin Franklin and a Native American saying.
It is great advice – perhaps by multiple sources, so I will leave it at that.

I am continuously working on lessons to teach my daughter.
The life of a day lily is one I often use.
This beautiful flower grows and will bloom in a morning.
In the evening the petals will close.
The following day it deteriorates and falls off.

A lesson I feel learned from the day lily is that;
Prime moments in life are brief.
Embrace them, cherish them.
So many wonderful things are over too soon.
Don’t miss them.

if not

The Thrill of another World Series of Poker (WSOP) chapter

It is a last minute choice.

The 2014 WSOP was kicked off in May. As the first few events got underway and friends and fellow poker players posted updates on social media, I was super anxious. I wanted to be there so much, but having just been laid off I never considered going.

Then a friend, “Mr. Poker” suggested that it is an opportune time to go.
I processed this thought and booked a trip to vegas for event 26. A No Limit Hold ‘Em tourney on June 11th has a $1500.00 buy in.

You cannot win if you do not risk. This is a bit of a risk, but life is short. I will play stronger than ever.

The last WSOP event I played in 2011 was tough. Mistakes were made and although I had some luck, a few poor choices knocked me out on the 1st day.

Seated in 2011

I will make it through day 1, then day 2 and ultimately play heads up on day 3 if my skill, strength and luck persist.



Mind Melding with Authors

Mind Meld

The souls of my favorite authors have left impressions on mine.  I am so grateful to have gotten to share in the experiences described by the writers whose works that I have read.  The events, emotions and viewpoints they describe are channeled directly into my mind.


Travelling through Europe as a dancer and singer with the opera Porgy and Bess in the 1950’s is part of my psyche, thanks to Dr. Maya Angelou.


(My apologies for this drawing. It is more grand in the book and my mind.)

Dr. Angelou is one of my most beloved authors as her works are compassionate and genuine.  Her experiences and perspective are vastly different from my own.  As a Canadian girl who grew up in northern Alberta, it was hard for me to fathom events that occurred to her and the culture she endured in the pre-WWII American South.  Dr. Angelou was not responsible for the situation of when and where she was born, but she developed courage and the tools to persevere against adversity.


Phill H

(Phil Helmuth at the 2007 WSOP)

Thanks to Phil Helmuth for the abundance of poker advice provided.   Poker has many variables and Phil’s sharing of poker strategy and experience has been extremely valuable.  I no longer smooth call with Aces while trying to entrap other players.  I thought I was very clever limping with aces, and in the poker circles that was getting known as a “Bunny bet” (my poker nickname is Bunny).  Smooth calling aces will get them cracked way too often.


When choosing a book to read, it is usually an autobiography of someone I already like and admire. I have read autobiographies of people I thought I liked, but while reading their book I leaned more towards not liking them.  In those situations, the mind meld did not occur.  My tastes gravitate to rock star and poker player biographies, but they are not limited to those types.

Many biographies have co-authors.  Ozzy Osbourne collaborated with Chris Ayres on “I am Ozzy” , which is a great book.  I enjoyed having Ozzy explain his viewpoint and the logic regarding his outlandish moments.


(Meeting Ozzy in 2010)

There is definitely an impact on my mind from what the Authors expressed.  As a reader, you have an intimate relationship with the author.  The author has revealed inner thoughts and feelings.  When you meet a person, you don’t know what is going on in their head.  It is refreshing to have a glimpse of them through reading.

Elusive Poker Trophies

Yes, I am a poker junkie.  That is me holding my winning medallion at Caesar’s.

Ceaser Medal


The fix I seek is more than just money; it is the prestige of poker titles.

WHY? The appealing thing about poker, is that it equalizes people.  I have sat at tables with a huge variety of people.  It doesn’t matter what your race, sex, stature or religion is, poker is a table of people playing a game.  The common thread that all players have is that they are there to win.

WHAT? The holy grail of poker titles is to win the World Series of Poker, No Limit Hold ‘Em, Main Event (WSOP, NLHE, ME). That title comes with a gold and diamond bracelet as well as millions of dollars.  There are also WSOP Circuit Events. The prize for those is a ring.


HOW? My husband Doug and I participated in our first WSOP event in 2006 and have played continually as timing and funds permit.  To make money at a WSOP you usually have to place in the top 100 players.  The number of players in an event varies.  The events Doug & I have played have had anywhere from 1200 players to 3500 players. Here is Doug (Titan) at an event in 2006.


Part of the excitement of participating in a major event, is being with so many fellow poker enthusiasts.  Additionally, you are among poker greats.  I have to admit that I was star struck more than once while walking the hallways at the Rio.  There are plenty of celebrities.  Doug was pleased to meet Jennifer Tilly.


Poker is about keeping your cool and having a stoic poker face.  When I encountered my favorite poker player, Johnny Chan, in the lobby at  a WSOP event in 2007, I was not calm and cool at all.  Doug saved the day and calmly said “Johnny, hey buddy, would you mind a picture with my wife?”   They had met previously a couple of times and were familiar.  Johnny was quite pleasant he chatted with me & we took a picture.  It was definitely a high point in my life.


Poker can be exciting and glamorous at times, but playing poker tests your emotions and endurance.  To money at an event you need to play hundreds of hands, build your stack and avoid elimination.  No player is immune from bad luck.  If you persevere for 10-12 hours, you may get to put your chips in baggies and play again the next day.  You leave tired and sore from sitting and focusing for so long.  There are massage therapists available during tournaments, which is a nice temporary diversion, but doesn’t really help your game.


Winning! The objective, is of course to win.  This turns out to be the most thrilling aspect of poker.  I have won plenty of times, by not a major title as of yet.   As mentioned, Doug has moneyed at the WSOP.  In his 2008 event, it was very late and all the players were tired and waiting for the bubble to break, (the bubble is point when players get the prize money).  This picture was taken when the announcement was made that all players left – are in the money. Doug does look thrilled 😉

Doug & Humberto in the $

The quest will continue. There are times the cards fall in your favor and many times they don’t.  I want to keep playing WSOP events so I will be there when the cards line up to thrill me and I take home that elusive jewelry.

The humour of MS

I avoid telling people that I have Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  If I do, it is usually included in a humbling explanation for something spastic I just did.

Really, look it up, spasticity is a condition of MS.  I have always had spastic tendencies, so when I was diagnosed with MS in 2010, it did help explain a great deal.  I do not think it has really changed how I draw, I never could.  Please excuse the quality of my drawings.

Falling down or tripping happens to me more than most people.  My left foot has been numb for years.  Prior to the MS determination, I thought it was just from sitting or sleeping weird.  Visits to the chiropractor were done in attempts to fix it.  They never helped and I decided that they were all frauds.

I started a new position with a company and was invited to a nice dinner with the group at an upscale restaurant.  We were chatting and dinner was served.  As we commenced eating, I picked up my fork and my arm spasmed, hurling my fork across the room.


Another time, a coworker offered to buy me coffee.  We chatted about work to and from the Starbucks.  As we approached the elevator lobby, my foot tripped on the carpet edging and down I went.  Everyone around was so concerned if I was okay.  I jumped up and assured everyone that I was fine.  On the elevator up to the office, my coworker apologized profusely.  My red face dissipated and I told him not to worry, that it happens all the time.


Having MS is draining. I have learned how to work within my energy limitations. My energy is quite good in the mornings, so I hustle to get everything that needs to be done then.

I am good at the illusion of not having MS, until my energy is gone.  About 6:00 pm the pain creeps in and my body seizes up.  Fortunately, sleep restores energy and I am good to go the next day.


MS is a silly disease.  My own body attacked my protective nerve coatings (Myelin).  Fortunately, I am on treatments that help prevent further damage.  The medicine is expensive and I finally got pills instead of needles.

Sure I have the existing damage that makes my life a three stooges movie, but it is anticipated that myelin repair medicine may be available one day.  Many people who have MS do not have the mobility I have.  Hopefully it will not diminish.  I guess I can draw walkers or scooters if required.  My art technique can probably manage that.

Perhaps I come across as being spinny, but by finding the humour in MS helps immensely. I could be angry at the world or sad and focus on being a victim.  Those seem like unpleasant options to me.

I am alive!

Spastic, but I AM ALIVE!